Innovative Traffic Control: Technology and Practice in Europe

Samuel C. Tignor, H. Gene Hawkins, Jr
Report Number: 
This summary report describes a May 1998 transportation technology scanning tour of four European countries. The tour was co-sponsored by FHWA, AASHTO, and TRB. The tour team consisted of 10 traffic engineers who visited England, France, Germany, and Sweden to observe traffic control devices and methodology and to determine if any European practices should and could be recommended for use in the United States. Team members included representatives from FHWA, TRB, Texas Transportation Institute, Montgomery County, MS, and the DoT of the States of Oregon, Utah, Virginia, and Wisconsin. This report is organized into five key chapters: Traffic Control Devices, Freeway Control, Operational Practices, Information Management, and Administrative Practices. The material within chapters falls into two categories: Primary Findings and Other Obeservations. The team noted a number of raffic control practices, from signing to speed control to information management that were being effectively used by the Europeans. Team members believe that many og these innovations could and should be introduced on U.S streets and highways. Among the devices and practices recommended for further study for U.S adoption are specific freeway pavement markings, variable speed control, lane control signals, intelligent speed adaption, innovative intersection control, and variable message signs that incorporate pictorgrams. The report includes statements for proposed research problems.
Publication Date: 