
Glossary terms

The increased travel time experienced due to circumstances that impede a desirable movement of traffic.
Abbreviation for dynamic message sign.
Dynamic Lane Use Control
An ATM measure consisting of opening a shoulder to traffic on a temporary basis to address capacity bottlenecks on the freeway network during times of congestion and reduced travel speeds. Also known as temporary shoulder use.
Dynamic Merge Control
An ATM measure consisting of allocating lane access on the general purpose lanes and ramps based on the traffic already present on the highway and merging traffic in order to provide priority to the facility with the higher volume and give a lane drop to the lesser volume roadway or approach.
Dynamic Message Sign
A permanently installed or portable electronic traffic sign used on roadways to give travelers information about roadway conditions. Often abbreviated as DMS.
Dynamic Parking Capacity
The practice of increasing the capacity of parking facilities through technology on a dynamic basis based on demand.
Dynamic Parking Reservation
The ability for travelers to utilize technology to reserve parking space at a destination facility on demand to ensure availability.
Dynamic Pavement Marking
An in-pavement traffic control device that can be activated to show alternative lane delineation.
Dynamic Pricing
The use of tolls that vary in response to changing congestion levels, as opposed to variable pricing that follows a fixed schedule.
Dynamic Rerouting
An ATM measure consisting of providing route information on overhead sign gantries along a roadway in response to recurrent and non-recurrent congestion.
Dynamic Ridesharing
The practice of offering a formal or informal service whereby travelers arrange one-time shared rides on very short notice by using advanced technologies, such as smartphones and social networks.
Dynamic Speed Limits
See Variable Speed Limits
Dynamic Traveler Information and Rerouting
The practice of utilizing real-time transportation information to convey current and impending traffic conditions to travelers as well as to proactively provide alternate route information to help minimize the impact of non-recurrent congestion.
Dynamic Truck Restrictions
An ATM measure that restricts trucks from using specific lanes on a facility, limiting their operating speed, and/or prohibiting their use of an entire facility during specific periods of the day.
Dynamic Wayfinding
Providing real-time parking-related information to travelers associated with space availability and location so as to optimize the use of parking facilities and minimize the time spend searching for available parking.
Dynamically Priced Parking
Parking fees that are dynamically varied based on demand and availability to influence trip timing choices and parking facility choice in an effort to maximize utilization and reduce the negative impacts of travelers searching for parking.